Currying in JavaScript
Currying in JavaScript

Unwrapping the Magic of Currying in JavaScript

Meenu Matharu
4 min readSep 29, 2023


In the world of JavaScript, currying is a fascinating technique that can enhance the flexibility and expressiveness of your code. Currying allows you to transform a function with multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each taking a single argument. In this blog, we’ll delve into the concept of currying, explore examples, and understand its significance in practical scenarios.

Understanding Currying:

Currying is a functional programming concept where a function with multiple parameters is transformed into a series of functions, each taking a single parameter. The result is a chain of partially applied functions, creating a more modular and composable structure.

Anatomy of Currying:

Consider a function add that takes two parameters:

function add(x, y) {
return x + y;

In its curried form, this function becomes:

function curryAdd(x) {
return function(y) {
return x + y;

Now, you can use curryAdd to create specialized functions:

const add5 = curryAdd(5);
console.log(add5(3)); // Outputs: 8

Use Cases for Currying:

1. Code Reusability:

Currying promotes code reusability by allowing you to create specialized functions with fewer arguments. This can be beneficial when certain parameters remain constant across different use cases.

2. Partial Application:

With currying, you can partially apply arguments to a function, creating a new function with specific parameters set. This is useful when you want to reuse a function with some fixed values.

const multiplyByTwo = curryMultiply(2);
console.log(multiplyByTwo(5)); // Outputs: 10

3. Function Composition:

Currying facilitates function composition, where you can combine smaller, more focused functions to build more complex ones. This aligns well with the principles of functional programming.

Examples of Currying:

1. Basic Currying:

function curryAdd(x) {
return function(y) {
return x + y;
const add5 = curryAdd(5);
console.log(add5(3)); // Outputs: 8

2. Currying with Arrow Functions:

const curryMultiply = (x) => (y) => x * y;
const multiplyByTwo = curryMultiply(2);
console.log(multiplyByTwo(5)); // Outputs: 10

3. Practical Use Case: Logging:

const curryLog = (prefix) => (message) => console.log(`${prefix}: ${message}`);
const logInfo = curryLog('INFO');
logInfo('Application started'); // Outputs: INFO: Application started

4. Dynamic UI Components:

In client-side development, especially with frameworks like React or Vue.js, currying can be used to create dynamic and configurable UI components.

// Without Currying
const createButton = (text, color, onClick) => {
// Button creation logic

// With Currying
const curryCreateButton = (color) => (text) => (onClick) => {
// Button creation logic with color, text, and onClick

const createRedButton = curryCreateButton('red');
const createBlueButton = curryCreateButton('blue');

const redButton = createRedButton('Click me')(handleClick);
const blueButton = createBlueButton('Press')(handlePress);

5. Event Handling:

When working with event handling in JavaScript, especially in scenarios where you need to handle various events with different parameters, currying can be quite handy.

// Without Currying
const handleEvent = (eventName, element, callback) => {
// Event handling logic

// With Currying
const curryHandleEvent = (eventName) => (element) => (callback) => {
// Event handling logic with eventName, element, and callback

const handleClick = curryHandleEvent('click');
const handleHover = curryHandleEvent('mouseover');

const handleClickOnButton = handleClick(buttonElement)(handleButtonClick);
const handleHoverOnImage = handleHover(imageElement)(handleImageHover);

6. Styling Utilities:

In frontend development, especially when dealing with dynamic styles, currying can be applied to create styling utility functions.

// Without Currying
const applyStyles = (element, styles) => {
// Apply styles logic

// With Currying
const curryApplyStyles = (styles) => (element) => {
// Apply styles logic with styles and element

const applyButtonStyles = curryApplyStyles({ color: 'blue', fontSize: '16px' });

7. Internationalization (i18n):

When implementing internationalization in a frontend application, currying can assist in creating functions that handle language-specific content.

// Without Currying
const translate = (lang, key, params) => {
// Translation logic

// With Currying
const curryTranslate = (lang) => (key) => (params) => {
// Translation logic with lang, key, and params

const translateToSpanish = curryTranslate('es');
const translateToGerman = curryTranslate('de');

const greetingInSpanish = translateToSpanish('greeting')({ name: 'Carlos' });
const greetingInGerman = translateToGerman('greeting')({ name: 'Anna' });

Advanced currying

Advanced currying in JavaScript involves creating a function that is curried and supports both partial application and complete application with multiple arguments. Let’s take an example of an advanced curry function:

const advancedCurry = (fn, ...args) => {
const curried = (...nextArgs) => {
const combinedArgs = args.concat(nextArgs);

if (combinedArgs.length >= fn.length) {
return fn(...combinedArgs);
} else {
return advancedCurry(fn, ...combinedArgs);

return curried;

// Example function
const add = (a, b, c) => a + b + c;

// Using advanced curry
const curriedAdd = advancedCurry(add);

// Partial application
const addPartial = curriedAdd(1);
const result = addPartial(2)(3); // Returns 6

// Full application
const fullResult = curriedAdd(1)(2)(3); // Returns 6

In this example, advancedCurry is a higher-order function that takes a function (fn) and an initial set of arguments (args). It returns a curried function that can handle partial or complete application.

You can partially apply arguments by calling the curried function with a subset of arguments, and it returns a new function that can take the remaining arguments. When all the required arguments are provided, it invokes the original function (fn) with the combined set of arguments.

This advanced currying mechanism allows for flexible and reusable functions that can adapt to different scenarios with varying numbers of arguments.


Currying is a powerful technique that brings elegance and modularity to your JavaScript code. It aligns well with functional programming principles and can significantly enhance code readability and maintainability. By understanding and applying currying, you unlock a versatile tool for creating more expressive and reusable functions in your projects.



Meenu Matharu
Meenu Matharu

Written by Meenu Matharu

🚀 Passionate Frontend Developer | Storyteller on a Coding Journey 🌟 Dive deep into the world of frontend technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and React

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